Rock the Boat on Social Media Marketing

This is not your typical branding and social media workshop. This is a hands-on workshop that will help you navigate the waters of social media marketing. We are going to help you chart a social media marketing course and make your brand shine!  You will learn from experts who have been in the marketing and[…]

Why Your Business Needs to Blog

A well written corporate blog is like a business journal-its purpose is to benefit others. It’s about relevant info and information is what your clients are seeking. Information gives your followers knowledge, and knowledge empowers them to make buying decisions with confidence. There are many good reasons why businesses should blog and here are five[…]

Brand Strategy Tune-ups

Like any well maintained vehicle,  businesses need occasional brand strategy tune-ups too. They need to do a diagnostic exam on their brand from time to time. Often they discover their marketing message needs to be reinvigorated to ensure that it is relevant and compelling. Does your marketing message speak the tone and language that resonates[…]