The rules of the game may seem to have changed, however, this is a perfect time to gain new perspective and get things done! Here are 10 things small businesses can do to be productive during Coivd-19. How many can you check off your list?
1. Start a newsletter! Studies show email marketing is expected to grow to 4.3 billion users by 2022. Now is the time to input those leads and inquires. Worried about spam? Your loyal customers and potential customers who are in the market for your product or service will take notice when your email hits their inbox. Also be sure to make the subject line compelling. Newsletters bring more visitors to your website. Be personal and relevant as this will help you build relationships and brand loyalty. In addition, newsletters (email marketing) are highly cost effective. You can pay as little as $20 a month. The price typically depends on how many names you have in your database.
2. Start a blog- whether you are business to business or business to consumer, a blog makes sense for all small businesses and it is a perfect way boost your SEO. Furthermore, search engines love fresh content. The key is to be consistent and blog regularly. If your blog site has not been updated in a year you can bet that someone else’s blog is going to rank much higher than yours in search engine results pages. Be sure to use key phrases with high searchability and low competition. A blog has no shelf life. A blog written eight years ago can easily be found as Google will crawl the article and place it on search engines result pages. There is a reason the acronym for blog is “best listing on google”.
3. Take an online class or sign up for a webinar that is relevant to your business. Is there an area of your business that you would like to improve? Perhaps there is a new service you would like to offer your clients or customers but need to learn it or brush up? Taking an online class is a smart investment in yourself and your business. Furthermore, as a thought leader in your industry, it is smart to continue your education and stay ahead of businesses trends.
4. Stay in Touch-Reach out to your clients/customers and let them know you are thinking of them. Tell them how you are handling Covid-19. Let them know what they can expect as it relates to your day-to-day business operations. During this time of uncertainty, people need reasons to think ahead and prepare themselves for what is to come during and after the pandemic. Also, why not contact someone you’ve met during a networking event and set up virtual coffee? Just because you are sequestered to your home doesn’t mean you cannot keep up with human interactions.
5. Write a review/ask for a review– if you are like me you might be shy to ask for reviews. Don’t be, now is a perfect time to give reviews and ask your happy customers to do the same in return. Everyone needs positivity now more than ever! in addition, small businesses (especially retailers) need help during an economic crisis. What’s more is giving and asking for reviews takes less than five minutes. Think about the value of a positive review. If a business exceeded your expectations, don’t just think about it, write about it and let the world know. Trust me, they will remember and appreciate you for it.
6. Build your content arsenal. Create short videos and take some photos for your marketing efforts. Use hashtags and key phrases. Be sure they are relevant to your marketing message and content strategy. We all know social media takes time, thought and effort. If you do your social media yourself make time to take more relevant and high-quality photos. Create a short video for your small business that can be shared on your social sharing sites. Because people’s routines have been disrupted, they are spending a lot more time on line. You have a captive audience. Now is the time to step up your game!
7. Make updates to your website-You should be updating your website periodically, three to four times a year. Reread the content. Is there anything that you could change or improve? Do you have a blog page? How does your photo gallery look? Do you have any videos you can add to your home page? Any new testimonials you can share? Remember your website is your online brochure, make sure it showcases what you do best!
8. Update your bio and the content on your social sites. Get a new headshot or change your professional picture. Perhaps you have a new mission statement, or you have acquired a new skill since you wrote your bio last. In regard to your profession and experience, be sure to highlight the benefit of what you’ve accomplished and how you add value. Also, be sure to differentiate. Why you, vs them? If you get stuck seek the help of a professional copy writer.
9. Find the best video conferencing tool and get familiar with it. Video conferencing helps to improve communication and re-establish relationships. What’s more, during a video conference you get to see the body language and facial expressions of the participants. This leads to a more effective and faster collaboration. I like to use Zoom myself. Some other video conferencing tools to try are Google hangouts, Skype and GoToMeeting. Find the best video conferencing tool that is right for your needs and get familiar with it.
10. Knock off early and do something good for yourself. While physical distancing may be a mandate, social distancing is not! Why not pick up the phone and call someone just to hear their voice. Grab a coffee or drink and set up a video chat. Get a group together and have fun with it! These are uncertain times, for that reason, you must keep your connections strong, not to mention your sense of humor in tact!
In conclusion, if you need help checking any of these things off your list, give us a call for a complimentary consultation at 651-343-8329. You can check out our website here:
Stay safe, happy and healthy!
Julia C. Tice
Lighthouse Marketing Media